Business Value & Price

Appraising business value is a daily part of the work of a broker. It is fundamental in assisting business owners in their decision-making processes. The more attention paid to thorough and appropriate appraisal processes by brokers, the better.One aspect of the...

Bali Bisnis Bagus

The attached article from the Sydney Morning Herald on 12 January showcases the stories of a number of entrepreneurial Australians who have generated successful businesses in Indonesia, specifically Bali. With a high growth economy and proximity to home, Indonesia is...

The Future of Industry

The attached video link from the World Economic Forum is an interesting take on the future of industry, and the theory that we are currently undergoing a fourth industrial revolution. It was shared with me via Chartered Accountants Australia & NZ. Important for...

Tourism, Lifestyle & Resort Businesses

When REINZ asked Richard Hemingway, Director at Nexus Business Sales, based out of Wanaka in the Queenstown Lakes area of the South Island, about working in Tourism, Lifestyle and Resorts, he leapt at the opportunity to share some thoughts.Tourist numbers have never...